It is important to always put priority when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness of the environment where we manufacture food related products such as food flavouring and food colouring. According to the FMT news, a bread factory was led to disclosure on the 24th of September this year due to contaminated surroundings while an inspection was conducted by DBKL, the health and environment department. Likewise, the infamous pandemic Covid-19 has created a huge impact towards the food industries, affecting consumers to induce an awareness of demanding hygienic and halal food. Furthermore, according to the survey that has been conducted by Puratos, a bakery online shop, it has shown that 74% of Malaysian consumers are conducting home baking as they see the advantages of baking themselves i.e. giving them the control over baking ingredients and most importantly, save huge amount of expenses than they purchase pastries from outside store.
As a matter of fact, we are proud to enlighten all of our partner companies that Green House Ingredient assured 100% safety and hygienic products in terms of the environment where we carry out the manufacturing process. Moreover, in the year of 2011, Green House was awarded a HACCP certification and MESTI certificate in 2015. For your knowledge, HACCP is a certificate implemented by the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF) chartered under the U.S Department of Agriculture. Moreover, Mesti, also known as “Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri” is a mandatory certification required to operate a food manufacturing organization to attain Food Hygiene Regulations 2009 requirements. According to, Malaysia has more than 800+ companies who attained HACCP certificates.

To survive in this competitive food industry, it is compulsory to have worth pricing, excellent quality and safe-to-use products. In addition to that, Green House Ingredient has a vision of attaining FSSC 22000, a complete certification scheme for the auditing and certification of Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) to become a trustworthy food ingredient manufacturer. With all solid reasons regarding hygiene that is provided to you, are there no other reasons that could persuade you to choose Green House Flavour’s products?
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