Ever since we were young, we already know how vanilla actually tastes like and it keeps us off the hook all the time especially if you ever experience this, getting an ice cream vanilla cone from McDonald’s. It still gives me strong nostalgic feelings whenever I taste Vanilla Ice Cream, Vanilla scented perfume or any other accessories that are made of Vanilla Flavour.
Photo credits to https://www.pinterest.com/pin/863987509746066835/
However, do you know where Vanilla actually originated from? And how it is made to become the Vanilla we know? Vanilla is actually the cured seed pod (or bean) of the vanilla orchid. In fact, there are actually more than 150 types of vanilla propagating around the world. However, 2 of the most prominent ones that could be found instores are Madagascar Vanilla and Tahitian Vanilla. Likewise, Mexcian Vanilla does present itself in a good feature and is currently bred in Mexico just like the name as mentioned.
Mexican Vanilla is cultivated in Veracruz, port city of Mexico. It is a finished product of an orchid that is pollinated by bees. According to the Culinary Director of Velas Resorts, Michel Mustiere has explained that vanilla is harvested only when the flower dies, and usually for a period of 9 months, the green pod will then be cut out from the dead plant. It will then be placed to dry under the sun for a period of 20 – 30 days (according to the grade of each vanilla that is harvested), it will then undergo fermentation processes. After drying, dried vanilla will be packaged into wooden boxes and will be covered with palm rugs. If its to ripen them, they will be stored in vacuum packages, to preserve their flavour profile.
Photo credits to https://www.madacamp.com/Madagascar_Vanilla
Similarly compared to Mexican Vanilla, Madagascar Vanilla (Known as Bourbon Vanilla) actually comes from the same plant & has the basic flavour notes. Therefore, what is the difference between them? Mexico Vanilla undergoes pollination process by the existence of bees, however, Madagascar Vanilla is pollinated by humans, and this is the reason why it is more expensive than Mexican Vanilla. Bourbon Vanilla is named where it actually is in reference to a place where this Vanilla is cultivated. In the 1800’s, Vanilla Orchid was brought by people to all over areas of Indian Ocean’s surroundings. Until recently, it has provided about ⅔ of vanilla markets to the world.
Somewhere around the Pacific Ocean, there is a “Vanilla Island” and is located in Tahiti. Tahitian Vanilla is a natural hybrid of 2 vanilla plants which is Bourbon Vanilla and Vanilla Odorata, a rare vanilla in the forests of Belize & Guatemala. Moreover, it represents 1% of global production of vanilla. During growing periods, they are fertilized by hand. After 9 months, they will be placed to dry under the sun and packaged in vacuum flasks in the absence of light to preserve the flavour. As the flavour of Tahitian Vanilla is heavily influenced by typical climate and soil, it contains slight flavour notes of caramel & anise.
Hence, since Vanilla is always well-known throughout the world, Green House has implemented ever since the start up of business and has become one of the best selling flavour of the company! Maybe in the future, Green House Ingredients will implement new flavours mixing with Vanilla, so stay updated all times on our Facebook Page and Instagram to get the first hand information from us, we will see you on the next article.
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