Ruby Chocolate Cadbury

Ruby Chocolate Emulco

Ruby Chocolate Cadbury




Preparation Time

4 hours

Cooking Time


2 glasses



100gm Unsalted Butter
20gm Icing Sugar
150gm Cake Flour
11gm Corn Flour
1gm Salt
2nos Egg Yolk
1tbps GH Ruby Chocolate Emulco
50pcs Cadbury




1. Beat the unsalted butter and icing sugar together until well.
2. Add in the egg yolk and mix until well combined.
3. Sift the cake flour, corn flour and salt. Mix well.
4. Mix in GH Ruby Chocolate Emulco.
5. Use the piping tool to pipe out the desired shape and wrap with Cadbury chocolate.
6. Chill in the fridge for around 20 minutes.
7. Bake at 180℃ for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and let it completely cool down before serving.

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